Does renters insurance protect my belongings in case of natural disaster?

Surprisingly, many renters do not carry renters insurance. Renters insurance is surprisingly affordable and offers various protections. If you don’t have insurance, you must pay for any losses you incur out of your pocket. At Stonewall Grace Insurance in Buena Vista, VA, we can give you the information you need so that you can decide if renters insurance is right for you.

What Does Renter Insurance Cover?

Your landlord’s insurance protects the property where you are staying, but it does not protect the tenants’ personal belongings. That includes your furniture, any appliances you own, your electronics, clothing, and any other items you have in your home. Renters insurance may also cover items you leave in your car and will provide you with some liability protection if someone is injured while visiting you.

What Kinds Of Events Are Covered By Buena Vista, VA Renters Insurance?

This is important because you need to decide if your current policy has enough protection. An insurance policy is basically a contract that lists the kinds of events that are covered. Most renter’s insurance policies cover certain kinds of events. These include but may not be limited to:

  • Burglary
  • Vandalism
  • Electrical fire
  • Tornados
  • Hail
  • High winds
  • Snow damage (not related to flooding)

Unfortunately, flooding is a risk for anyone living in Virginia, and flood protection usually is not covered by regular homeowners’ or renters’ insurance. If you want protection in case of flooding, you must have a separate policy.

Protecting your Buena Vista, VA home is important. If you want to discuss your risks and compare policies, please call Stonewall Grace Insurance today.