3 Ways to Protect Your Business from Cyber Attacks

It might be tempting to think that because you run a small or medium-sized business that you are invincible from being the target of a cyberattack, but that’s not true because every business is at risk of being attacked. Consequently, hardening your defenses to help prevent a hack or data breach is imperative and three easy steps to follow are outlined below.

Know Your Data

Depending on the type of business that you operate, you may be privy to extremely sensitive data about your customers that could be tempting for a cybercriminal to attempt to steal. Consequently, being able to delineate between sensitive and non-sensitive data is imperative so that you can harden your defenses around the data most likely to be stolen. Examples of data that is often targeted include credit card information, social security numbers, health data, and Personally Identifiable Information. 

Train Your Employees

Training your employees on how to spot a possible social engineering attempt by a bad actor calling for information or not clicking a bad link in a phishing email is imperative and can save your company from potential financial ruin if a threat is detected in time by a front line worker. 

Cyber Liability Insurance

Most business owners are familiar with the two types of coverage that are mandated in nearly every state – workers’ compensation insurance and commercial auto insurance. However, what you may not know is that you can also purchase cyber liability insurance coverage which helps businesses pay for the damages associated with a cyber attack. At Stonewall Grace Insurance in Buena Vista, VA our knowledgeable team of insurance professionals can help determine the perfect commercial insurance policy for your business. We’ll take the time to answer your questions, address any concerns, and customize a policy that works for you.